Summer Camp
If you want your children to have fun, meet lots of new friends, and participate in art, sports and academic activities in a safe and nurturing environment, register them for the Earthen Vessels Outreach Summer Day Camp! EVO is an approved provider to receive any CCIS and CYF eligible children!
The camp site is located in the Friendship-Bloomfield area, easily accessible to the surrounding neighborhoods of Friendship, Bloomfield, Garfield, Lawrenceville, East Liberty, Lincoln-Larimar, Wilkinsburg and Homewood. Last year, over 60 children were served through the camp.
A typical day at the camp runs from 9:00 AM. to 4:00 PM., and includes the following activities:
Opening program (songs, skit)
Educational time (focusing on reading and STEM-related activities)
Bible lessons
Arts and crafts
Recreational time
Hang-out time
Youth Enrichment Activities (Guest Speakers, Art Education, soccer, tennis, swimming)
Weekly field trips to exciting places in the city!
Recreational Trips
Through a partnership with Tickets-for-Kids Charities, EVO is able to offer free tickets for children to many events in Pittsburgh. These events expose our youth to a variety of cultural experiences that expand, balance and broaden their worldview. Events have included Pirates and Penguins games, roller-skating and ice-skating, movies, museums, plays, the Symphony, the Carnegie Science Center, the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, and many other venues.
Families need to pre-register with a deposit of $75 per camper. Enrollment will be based on a first come first serve basis. Orientation dates and times will be announced at a later time.
Child Health Report (To be completed by your child's PCP)
When the camp enrollment has peaked and/or the individual age groups are to capacity, there will be a waiting list for any child still wanting to sign up.
Have a question? Want to pre-register?
Contact us at or 412-681-7272.